to a maintenance therapy with options

Personalized CIDP maintenance therapy

You’ve got options! HyQvia can provide different ways to get your treatment. You and your doctor can find the right combination to create an infusion experience that’s best for you.

HyQvia allows you to get your IG + Hy:

Calendar icon depicting HyQvia allows infusions every 2, 3, or 4 weeks.

Every 2, 3, or 4
weeks as prescribed
by your doctor

Numbers icon depicting HyQvia can be infused through 1-3 infusion sites.

Through 1-3
infusion sites*

Person icon depicting HyQvia can be infused in the abdomen or the thighs.

In the abdomen
or the thighs

Hospital and home icon depicting HyQvia can be infused at home or at an infusion center.

At home or in an
infusion center

Doctors icon depicting HyQvia can be infused with the support of a healthcare provider or through self-infusion.

With the support of a healthcare
provider, or through self-infusion
with the help of a care partner
after appropriate training

*If using three sites, the maximum is 400 mL per site.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t be surprised by the amount you infuse. It’s a large volume. Remember when we went over Hy? Well, Hy is what helps your body handle this larger volume: ~5 cups (1200 mL, or 600 mL for people weighing <40 kg [88 lbs]) is the most you’d infuse in a day. Thus, you’ll go through a ramp-up period to help you get used to this amount
  • It’s common to need more than one infusion site to receive your full dose. Most patients infuse using 2 sites, but because administration can be adapted to fit your needs, you might use only 1 site or could even use up to 3 sites. If you weigh 40 kg (88 lbs) or more, the maximum infusion volume is 600 mL per site (or as tolerated); if using three sites, the maximum is 400 mL per site
  • While many people are able to receive their full dose in one infusion, you may need to split your dose over more than one day


Multiple site of care options

HyQvia can be administered across multiple sites of care, including hospitals, infusion centers, offices, or at home with the support of a healthcare professional. Appropriate training is required prior to self-infusion.

Hospital icon depicting HyQvia can be administered across multiple sites of care, including hospitals, infusion centers, and offices.


HCP-supported administration might be the way to go if you:

  • Are not comfortable or unable to self-administer
  • Are apprehensive of or fear needles
  • Prefer infusions to be handled by a HCP
  • Lack the organizational skill, dexterity, or drive to reliably self-administer
Home icon depicting HyQvia can be administered at home by a HCP, self-administered, or by a care partner, after appropriate training.

At home

You might prefer self-infusion after appropriate training or HCP- or caregiver-supported administration if you:

  • Have logistical issues attending or live far away from an infusion center or a clinic
  • Need to fit infusions around work/home life
  • Want more independence with the option to self-infuse at home or an alternate location after appropriate training


Considering HyQvia?

Watch this video to find out if HyQvia might be an option for you.


Ramping up when starting treatment

There’s an adjustment period when starting HyQvia to help your body get used to treatment.

With HyQvia, you’ll go through something called a “ramp-up” period. What that means is you’ll start with a lower amount of HyQvia and slowly increase until you reach your full dose. There are different approaches to ramping up your dose—each approach takes multiple weeks. You’ll work closely with your doctor to choose the right ramp-up experience for you based on your dosing interval.

A ramp-up period doesn’t happen overnight

For example, you’ll start with infusing 25% of your monthly dose your doctor has prescribed and will slowly increase each time you infuse until you reach the full amount. Some weeks, you may skip an infusion and won’t receive any HyQvia at all.

The charts below are only examples of how your HyQvia dose may be ramped up. The percentages shown are based on the monthly calculated maintenance dose. Be sure to always take HyQvia as prescribed by your healthcare professional.

Dose ramp-up schedule if you will be receiving your maintenance dose every 2 weeks


Week Since Last IVIG Dose

X=No ramp-up infusion.

Dose ramp-up schedule if you will be receiving your maintenance dose every 3 weeks


Week Since Last IVIG Dose

X=No ramp-up infusion.

Dose ramp-up schedule if you will be receiving your maintenance dose every 4 weeks


Week Since Last IVIG Dose

X=No ramp-up infusion.

After the infusion

You may have a soft, wide swollen area around your infusion site due to the amount of fluid you infused. It’s called a “pancake,” and it’s normal! It means Hy worked and is helping the IG disperse in your fatty tissue. It should go away after 1-3 days.

Before infusion

Abdomen of a patient before a HyQvia infusion.

End of infusion

Abdomen of a patient at the end of a HyQvia infusion.

1-3 days after infusion

Abdomen of a patient 1-3 days after a HyQvia infusion.

Images are of a patient from a CIDP clinical trial who had 640 mL of HyQvia infused, divided into two sites.

Say Hy to Hy5 Video

See a nurse walk a patient through the infusion process in his own home.

Find safety information here.

This is where you’ll find important safety info, including the warning about blood clots, to consider when starting and monitoring your treatment with HyQvia and to discuss with your doctor.


Understanding the insurance process can make a difference

When you are prescribed a specialty medicine like HyQvia, your doctor may be required to reach out to your health plan to get preapproval for your treatment. Work with your doctor’s office to ensure you know what your insurance covers and how much HyQvia will cost.

Check mark inside of shield icon depicting HYQVIA benefits verification.

Benefits verification

The first step in the process is for your doctor’s office to do a benefits verification on your behalf. They will work with your insurance company to determine if HyQvia is covered under your health plan, how much insurance will pay, what your deductible will be, and how much you will pay out of pocket. Once the office receives this information, speak to the office manager to fully understand what you are responsible for.

Medical clipboard icon depicting HYQVIA prior authorization.

Prior authorization

Next, your doctor has to show your health plan that HyQvia is the appropriate treatment for you based on your medical profile. This is called prior authorization. Documentation and relevant lab tests will be sent to the health plan, and you must be approved before further coverage is granted. 

Sometimes, these processes will be managed by a specialty pharmacy provider (SPP). Your SPP may contact you to coordinate these steps.

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Working with your specialty pharmacy provider to get HyQvia

HyQvia is a specialty drug, which means you can’t pick up your prescription at the local pharmacy. SPPs carry drugs for rare conditions such as CIDP and make sure they are stored and handled appropriately before they are shipped. Your doctor will order HyQvia through an SPP, and it will be delivered to your preferred location.

Here’s what to expect when working with an SPP:

  • SPPs are able to support you by working directly with your insurance company to find out how your health plan covers HyQvia. They can assist with steps in the approval process, such as benefits verification, prior authorization, financial assistance, and treatment education—you can expect an SPP to contact you after a physician prescribes you HyQvia
  • SPPs will coordinate delivery of HyQvia. Depending on your discussion with your doctor, you will have HyQvia delivered to your home or to an infusion center. They may also give you special instructions on how to store your drug properly before you take it
  • Some insurance companies may only work with certain specialty pharmacies. Currently, only the below SPPs have HyQvia in stock. Work with your doctor’s office or an insurance representative to determine which SPP is available to you

The following SPPs are currently authorized to dispense HyQvia:

AcariaHealth Specialty Pharmacy

Accredo Specialty Pharmacy

Advanced Infusion Care


AOM Infusion

Axiva Health Solutions


BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy

Blue Sky

Care Fusion Rx

CenterWell Specialty Pharmacy


CSI Pharmacy

CVS Specialty

HPC Specialty Infusion

InfuCare Rx

Intramed Plus

IV Solutions Rx


Kroger Specialty Infusion

Maxor Specialty Pharmacy


Option Care Health 

Optum Infusion Pharmacy

OSO Home Care

Palmetto Infusion


Realo Specialty Care Pharmacy

Soleo Health 

Specialty Care Rx

Sunrise Rx

Superior Biologics

Upstate HomeCare

Vital Care Infusion Services

Vivo Infusion

Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy

Inquire with specific SPPs for current status.

Ready to talk to your doctor?

Great. We’ve got just the thing for you. Our Doctor Discussion Guide can help you get organized and ready for your conversation with your doctor.

Doctor icon.

CIDP=chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; HCP=healthcare professional; Hy=hyaluronidase; IG=immune globulin; IVIG=intravenous immune globulin.